BIoT Blockchain Internet of Things Powered by 5G for Fast and Secure Data Streaming

Syed Bari
4 min readDec 21, 2020


The fanfare and conspiracies around the 5G technology rollout has finally died down. But not the questions around the potential risk and security challenges as well as the general safety and the transparency of its use across the globe.

5G Technology is Supreme, no doubt

The promise of breakneck download speeds, super-low latency, and an improved connection density is the best anyone could ever ask for. Furthermore, the potential it possesses to enhance other technologies, significantly how it could accelerate the development of the Internet of Things (IoT), is terrific.


Massive benefits cannot shroud the fact that it could be a hackers’ playground. Researchers at BlackHat discovered how attackers might force their way into a network using mobile network mapping and stealing valuable data.

They are particularly vulnerable to security flaws that could originate from a software creation process that lacks proper checks and balances. Basically, the greatest fear is the use of devices with crucial security flaws that attackers could leverage to attack. If the devices arrive already compromised, attackers will develop regular access routes and even smoother ease of intercepting data routed throughout the network.

You can imagine just how serious these vulnerabilities are given that 5G networks are expected to form the heartbeat of several critical IT applications in large government corporations and multinationals. Remember that these all concerns are supported by a public report, which systematically dismisses the entire 5G technology security system as untrustworthy.

The Best Possible Solutions should Mitigate Risks and Patch Vulnerabilities

Going by its architectural framework, the best privacy solutions for 5G must entail mutual agreement and trust between all of its participant stakeholders. If a privacy design can bring together end-users, network operators, and device makers, it definitely can make 5G safer and more secure.

One of the most exciting proposals yet is the incorporation of Blockchain technology to 5G.

The Blockchain concept is quite innovative and has created massive disruption in a variety of mainstream industries. Its core principles of decentralizing resources transparently, backed by its immutable framework that hackers cannot proliferate into, is its greatest selling points.

Even with its limited capabilities and real-life adoption, the idea of harnessing Blockchain in sim cards /esim isn’t ludicrous. This technology could potentially help by bridging the gap and enhancing the protection of users and devices within the network.

It is an innovative way of enhancing better identity management, especially given how Blockchain is fool-proof with more advanced privacy features. When stored in the distributed ledger, user information can’t be altered through unauthorized access or get shared without the owner’s consent.

Blockchain Data Streaming at ENCQOR 5G Testbed

ENCQOR 5G is a transformational $400 million partnership that brings together five global digital technology leaders (Ericsson, Ciena Canada Inc., Thales Canada Inc., IBM Canada, and CGI) and provincial coordinators Prompt, Innovation ENCQOR, and Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE).


BDATA has got the access to ENCQOR testbed to test BIoT — blockchain enable secure data streaming for remote monitoring and operation use cases to demonstrate blockchain +5G for low data latency with immutable data streaming using BDATA IoT Gateway Devices and Digital Twin Platform.

BDATA — Blockchain IoT

At the forefront of this innovation is BDATA, a blockchain IOT solution provider based in Canada that provides Blockchain-driven IoT device connectivity. It already has a highly scalable patent pending tailored for industrial-scale IoT applications and integrates devices within a network.

The devices stream and store data on the BIoT network with stamped series of immutable (unable to changed) records , all bound together by cryptography.

Following are the unique features of BDATA’s BIoT Technology,

Programming Codes (use to connect sensors with PLC/Gateway) Stored in binaries forms on the BIoT blockchain network.

Database/Realtime Data is stored in BIoT Blockchain Network

Immutable Real Time Data Streaming

Immutable Remote Device Management (Bluetooth, HDMI, USB etc.)

Machine to Machine Cryptographic Bond

Data Stream from Blockchain Gateway/PLC can only be readable by peers deployed on BDATA’s Blockchain Peer Network.

BDATA BIoT API can be consumed in any 3rd Party Platform (SAP, Oracle , AWS, Azure etc.)

BDATA’s BIoT Network of IoT Devices

This will enable companies to do global automation, that means load balance on a gas / oil pipeline, water pumping stations, power grid, remote mining operations, defence, drones, remote surgeries and many other use cases where data latency and secure connectivity is important for customers.

In the end, BIoT will enable secure and immutable data streaming using the 5G technology and further enhance data integrity and customer satisfaction amongst those using the network.



Syed Bari

Syed is the founder of BDATA Solutions Inc, a canadian startup provide blockchain connectivity of IoT devices to ensure secure connectivity and immutable data.